About Us
Cloverdale Education Support Centre (ESC) caters for students with special needs, including Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disabilities, Physical Disabilities, Sensory Impairments and Complex Communication Needs, from Kindy to Year 6.
It is co-located on the Cloverdale Primary School campus which is in the City of Belmont. Belmont is an inner metropolitan suburb situated 15km from the city centre. Students enrol from Cloverdale, Belmont, Kewdale, Riverton and Redcliffe. A school bus transports students who do not live within walking distance.
Cloverdale ESC aims to develop the whole child socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually and enable them to be happy and confidently equipped for their future.
Staff are trained to incorporate research-based teaching strategies into their learning programs. Social and play skills programs are implemented with communication as the focus. Our teaching practice also incorporates Social and Emotional Learning, including You Can Do It!, Zones of Regulation and Protective Behaviours programs. We provide a targeted, differentiated curriculum based on the Western Australian Curriculum and Abilities Based Learning Education, Western Australia (ABLEWA), combined with a rich social environment designed to meet the individual learning needs of each child. Our values of 'Growth, Achievement and Passion' ensures students are supported to participate meaningfully and successfully within their family, school and local community.
Each class has a teacher and several full-time education assistants. We utilize the services of a school nurse, an Aboriginal and Islander Education Officer, school chaplain, and school psychologist. Therapists access the site and work in collaboration with the school staff to support achievement of student social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes.
Cloverdale ESC has well-appointed facilities with nine classrooms located across the school campus. All classrooms are air conditioned with teachers using a wide variety of technology in curriculum delivery including interactive white boards, iPads and computers. The Centre is well equipped to cater for students needing a sensory diet to support regulation with facilities including a sensory room, sensory swing, an interactive spring-free trampoline and sensory swivel egg chairs. Cloverdale ESC shares a library, staff room, conference room, canteen and playground areas with the primary school.
The Centre is structured into homogenous classes across learning phases including Early Years, Juniors, and Seniors. At Cloverdale ESC, we acknowledge the importance of ongoing learning and creative expression. We believe a child’s potential is supported by an engaging environment that includes play, expressing thoughts and ideas, practicing skills, problem solving, promoting independence, role modelling, routines, security and social interactions.
Cloverdale ESC is a Positive Behaviour Support School (PBS). We believe that behaviour is a skill which can be taught. All staff members have been trained in Team Teach, which is a holistic approach to proactive behaviour management. We incorporate values education into the day to day curriculum, and teach it explicitly through the You Can Do It! Program.
Cloverdale ESC and Cloverdale Primary School are co-badged as ‘Cloverdale Schools’ which describes the collaborative relationship that exists between them. Students integrate with Cloverdale Primary School students in the playground and in selected classroom activities. The schools have a combined P&C and provide pastoral care through the breakfast program, parent support group and anti-bullying committee. Joint activities include the swimming carnival, sports day, after school sports program, Harmony and NAIDOC day celebrations and Year 6 graduation. Cloverdale ESC students have the opportunity to participate in additional school activities and have representation on the Cloverdale Schools’ Student Council. Cloverdale ESC is an inclusive school that welcomes all students and shows respect for all cultures and religions.
180 Fisher Street
Cloverdale WA 6105
Phone: 08 9438 7850